Open Public Services Network
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Open Public Services Network

We are very pleased to announce ZPB is now collaborating with the Open Public Services Network (OPSN).

OPSN is a new not-for-profit organisation based at the RSA. It seeks to provide independent assessment of the information designed to monitor and assess performance of government and public services.

OPSN also works to improve the debate surrounding the quality and value of information available to the public about education, health and other key services. OPSN aims to develop new and better ways to measure impact and value for money in ways that make sense and engage the public.

Our first output will be a report – concerning education. This is due out in January and seeks to provide a more holistic way for parents to assess schools.

We had out first reference group meeting yesterday, chaired by Simon Lebus, CEO of Cambridge Assessment and Chairman of OCR. This was a great success and we’re looking forward to putting the report together, working with the reference group and expanding the way people think about education.

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